Reference: The Clean Code Talks - Don’t Look For Things!
Complex constructors with direct instantiation of objects or reliance on static initialization and singletons make testing difficult.
class Document:
def __init__(self):
self.html_client = HTMLClient() # Direct instantiation
def load_content(self, url):
return self.html_client.fetch(url)
# Testing this requires setting up the HTMLClient and its dependencies
Instantiation Complexity: When constructors instantiate dependencies internally, it becomes challenging to isolate the class for unit testing. The dependencies create a tightly coupled system, leading to a need for extensive setup in test environments.
Singletons and Static States: Use of singletons and static states further complicates testing as they introduce global states, making tests dependent on the order of execution and shared states.
Tightly Coupled Dependencies : To test Document.load_content, we need to ensure that HTMLClient is properly initialized, which may involve setting up network connections or other configurations.
Uncontrolled External Interactions : If HTMLClient makes actual network calls or interacts with external systems, testing Document could become unpredictable and reliant on external factors.
Inflexibility in Testing Scenarios : Creating mock scenarios or testing specific edge cases becomes difficult, as HTMLClient’s behavior is hardcoded within Document.
Increased Complexity in Test Setup : The test setup must account for HTMLClient’s initialization and behavior, leading to more complex and less focused tests for the Document class.
Dependency injection enhances testability by allowing flexible substitution of dependencies.
class HTMLClient:
def fetch(self, url): # Complex logic to fetch data from a URL
return f"Fetched content from {url}"
class Document:
def __init__(self, html_client):
self.html_client = html_client # Dependency injected
def load_content(self, url):
return self.html_client.fetch(url)
# With dependency injection, testing becomes easier
# Mock or substitute HTMLClient can be injected for testing purposes
Service Locators: While service locators can centralize object creation, they obscure a class’s true dependencies, making the system more complex and harder to test.
Flexibility in Testing: Dependency injection allows for the substitution of real dependencies with mock objects during testing. This flexibility makes it possible to test the behavior of the Document class in isolation without relying on the actual implementation of HTMLClient .
Isolation of Components: By injecting dependencies, each component can be tested independently. This isolation is crucial for unit testing, where the focus is on testing each part of the code in isolation from others.
Example of Mocking in Tests: In a test scenario, HTMLClient can be mocked to return a predefined response, enabling the tester to verify how Document handles this response without having to deal with the complexities of the actual HTMLClient .
class MockHTMLClient:
def fetch(self, url):
return "Mocked content"
# Create a mock HTMLClient for testing & inject mock_client into Document for testing
= MockHTMLClient()
mock_client = Document(mock_client)
test_document assert test_document.load_content("") == "Mocked content"
Constructors should explicitly ask for their dependencies, promoting clear and maintainable code.
class Document:
def content(self):
return "Document content"
class Printer:
def __init__(self, document):
self.document = document # Direct dependency
def print(self):
return f"Printing: {self.document.content()}"
# Clear and testable, as the dependency on Document is explicit
Clarity and Maintainability: Explicit dependencies in constructors make the code clearer by directly stating what objects are required for a class to function. This clarity leads to code that is easier to understand, maintain, and modify.
Simplified Testing: When dependencies are explicit, it becomes easier to perform unit testing. Testers can provide specific implementations or mock objects for these dependencies, focusing on the behavior of the class being tested.
class MockDocument:
def content(self):
return "Mock content"
# Inject a MockDocument into Printer for testing
= MockDocument()
mock_document = Printer(mock_document)
printer assert printer.print() == "Printing: Mock content"
Reduced Hidden Complexity: Constructors that explicitly ask for dependencies avoid the hidden complexity that comes with object creation inside the class. This approach promotes a separation of concerns, where object creation and object logic are decoupled.
Enhanced Modularity: Explicitly asking for dependencies makes classes more modular and reusable, as they don’t make assumptions about how their dependencies are created or managed.
Following this law reduces coupling by limiting an object’s interactions to its immediate dependencies.
# In practice:
class Door:
def open(self):
return "Door opened"
class House:
def __init__(self, door):
self.door = door # Interact only with the door
def open_front_door(self):
# The House class does not need to know about the details behind the Door class
Reduced Coupling: The Law of Demeter leads to reduced coupling in software designs. It encourages classes to interact only with immediate dependencies, rather than navigating through a chain of dependencies. This results in a looser coupling between components, enhancing modularity.
Enhanced Maintainability: Adhering to this law makes classes less dependent on the internal structures or behaviors of their dependencies, leading to more maintainable code. Changes in one class are less likely to require changes in classes that depend on it.
class Door:
def __init__(self):
self.lock_status = "Locked"
def unlock(self):
self.lock_status = "Unlocked"
def open(self):
if self.lock_status == "Unlocked":
return "Door opened"
return "Door is locked"
class House:
def __init__(self, door):
self.door = door
def open_front_door(self):
# Later, if changes are made to Door's internal structure
# House class remains unaffected as long as the 'open' method's interface is stable.
class MockDoor:
def open(self):
return "Mock door opened"
# Testing House with a MockDoor
= MockDoor()
mock_door = House(mock_door)
house assert house.open_front_door() == "Mock door opened"